Ban rock music paragraph

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I actually don’t have a problem with rock music, but I didn’t know what topic to do so…I think we should ban rock music because it’s actually annoying. Screaming, like its not even a song anymore. It’s just a random person screaming their hurt feelings on a stage to people. Think about it. If you just started screaming and started breaking guitars, should you be known as a rock star, or a crazy person? I just don’t understand how you possibly could be a hero. Next, do you know listening to people scream isn’t very good for you? And, before you think “that’s impossible!” I’ll tell you why it is. Imagine you were trapped in a steel box with no light, no games, no bathroom. Just a little steel box and all you can hear is rock music non stop. It’s very, very loud echoing off every wall. You can’t even sleep. I’m pretty sure you would sooner or later develop a headache. It would be a bad one! Therefore, if you think about what I was saying, you will understand why we should ban rock music!

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